Tuesday, October 18, 2011

poz dude- 28 M4M aka poor, little bitchtits

There is something gloriously trashy about the M4M section of Craigslist. By and large, the internal clock of this section is stuck on dick thirty. Unlike their straight counterparts on this site, these men are shamelessly trying to fix their ravenous thirst for penis juice with more dick pictures than you can shake a stick at. You would think the large warning about STDs would shy these men away, but it must be as enticing as the warning label on your cigarettes. You will occasionally find one sad fella or two looking for something more than a glory hole to have a five minute party in someone's mouth. This is not one of them..

Ad: "Cub here, poz. 38w, 210lbs vers please include pics in your email"
There is no long and winding road to love for this one, he just wants some man to play with. I do congratulate him for being open with his HIV+ status, but I feel like he and his bitchtits have been through enough. He needs to take them mantitties by the reigns and steer them into a happy, productive relationship, even if it is just with a local internet sex-abstinence group founded by his mother, MD, and therapist.

Dear sir, may you find love even though you are not looking for it. One day your realities will unmasked with all your bad decisions, and you will finally be forced to love the one person you mistreated for all these lonely, sore-jawwed years, yourself.

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